
Tax law

All regulations relating to the levying and collection of taxes are subject to tax law. This area of law comprises a complex tangle of legislation and rules requiring a great deal of specific knowledge.

Over the years the firm De Broeck Van Laere & Partners has acquired the necessary knowledge and experience and attracted experts to assist you in this tax matter in a well-considered and professional manner.

Proactively on the right track

Taxation is interwoven throughout the entire business. For many companies, a well thought-out tax policy makes the difference between stagnation and growth. That is why, as experts, we want to keep our finger on the pulse. We advise you and/or your accountant in a proactive way about everything that has to do with your taxation. We monitor the tax consequences of your restructurings and transactions. 

toga aan kapstok

What if things go wrong...

In the event of a tax dispute with a federal or regional tax administration, we will defend your interests tooth and nail. We can assist you, together with your own accountant, from the tax audit to legal proceedings with the tax authorities, paying particular attention to possible procedural errors. We try to avoid litigation as much as possible, but if necessary we cross swords with the tax authorities. Thanks to our many years of experience and know-how in advocating this specific matter, you can count on professional conflict management.

Count on the know-how of our experts

    • Corporate taxes

    • Tax on legal entities

    • Tax regularization

    • Advanced tax rulings

    • Estate planning

    • VAT, customs and excises

    • International tax planning

    • Tax litigation

    • Criminal tax law

    • Anti money laundering 

    • Tax audits

    • Tax mediation 

Reken op de know-how van onze specialisten

Corporate law

Thanks to the expertise of our lawyers, our firm enjoys an excellent reputation in the field of company law and, in particular, M&A. We have the knowledge and experience to assist you with any corporate law issue. We are particularly adept at negotiating techniques and drawing up contractual documentation in the event of a takeover of shares or a trading fund, without losing sight of tax issues. Internal reorganisations, such as retirement, shareholder agreements and stock option plans, hold no secrets for us. If it should still go wrong, we will put on our gown to defend your rights to the maximum.


Count on the know-how of our experts

    • Transfer of shares

    • Mergers & acquisitions

    • Transfer of assets

    • Private equity

    • Venture capital

    • Start-ups

    • Shareholders' agreements

    • Stock option plans

    • Warrants

    • Convertible bonds

    • Corporate governance

    • Corporate litigation


Real estate law

We assist you with the purchase of real estate, write contracts for landowners, property developers (offices, apartments, etc.) working with contractors and optimize sales techniques from a legal point of view. We also write the deeds that bring about a temporary split in ownership rights (usufruct, building lease, ground lease) according to your objectives. Special attention is paid to registration tax and VAT (in the case of new construction).

We examine which company is most suitable for the project and optimise the sale of the apartments/offices in a tax-friendly manner. We carry out risk analyses which can lead to the demerger of companies whereby the real estate is separated from the operational risks in a tax-neutral way.

We resolve disputes with the architect/contractor/association of co-owners/syndicates and provide assistance with the application for the single permit (formerly "urban development permit").  We are your legal partner to manage your real estate project.

Count on the know-how of our experts

    • Transfer real estate

    • Project financing

    • Special purpose vehicles

    • Tax optimization

    • Building permits

    • Demerger of real estate

    • Immovable rights

    • Construction agreements

    • Negotiations/mediation

    • Real estate litigation

Reken op de know-how van onze specialisten



Bemiddeling in de zin van het Gerechtelijk wetboek is een gestructureerde procedure, waarin twee of meer partijen bij een geschil zelf pogen om op vrijwillige basis met de hulp van een bemiddelaar/mediator hun geschil te schikken. Deze procedure kan door de partijen vrijwillig worden ingeleid of door een rechterlijke instantie worden voorgesteld of gelast.

Het staat vast dat bemiddeling een opmars kent. Het is een bewezen en doeltreffende manier om op sneller, goedkoper en duurzamer conflicten aan te pakken.  De bemiddelaar is een onafhankelijke, neutrale en onpartijdige ‘derde’, die het proces begeleidt.  Hij of zij zorgt ervoor dat de betrokken partijen zich gehoord voelen in hun belangen. Hij of zij ondersteunt hen bij het zelf, samen zoeken naar een oplossing. De overeenkomst die bereikt wordt, noemt men het bemiddelingsakkoord, hetgeen bindend is voor partijen. Bemiddeling is een wettelijk erkende methode om conflicten op te lossen, buiten de rechtbank om (zgn. alternative dispute resolution).

Meester Didier Van Laere is erkend bemiddelaar in burgerlijke & handelszaken.

Klik op volgende links voor wetgeving, algemene info of voor website Federale Bemiddelingscommissie


Didier Van Laere

Any questions? We are here to help you!